Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Forgot my blogname

So sorry, it has been so long, but I couldn't remember my blogname or how to log in. So I will try to update this more often from now on. Well we had the girls 1st birthday with only a minor Riley meltdown. Lesson learned, mother's feed your children before the party to lessen the tears. By the time we got to the cake they were both starving and ooey gooey icing (which they'd never had anything that sweet before) was not what they were looking for. But alls well that ends well and they got lots of good stuff that we are allowing them to get into little by little. They like to go out on the deck and play with their water table and they love to go downstairs and push their babydolls around in their strollers, although Riley tried to sit in the baby's stroller and have Addie push her around. Good thing she's light. :) They also love to play with their basketball hoop, although they'd rather be outside playing on dad's big hoop with a real ball. Ahh, he's so proud!! :) Riley's starting to walk all of the time now, no more crawling for her and Addie thinks she's William Wallace. I apologize for no pictures as I can't find my camera battery charger. But I'm getting a new camera tomorrow so I'll have lots of pictures soon. Back to Addie aka William Wallace, she had Brad's hat on backwards and was walking around the kitchen banging the stick from our sliding glass door. When she went in the living room she noticed the sound wasn't as loud and came back to the kitchen to bang some more. Too funny! We really need to get the video camera for that and her crazy chicken dance, done to the tune of the chicken dance, turkey crawl, and a cheering Christmas penguin. Don't ask....her grammy started her with all three, it gives me a headache hearing all 3 at once. So I'm playing softball 3 nights a week, not that anyone still cares about Brad and myself anymore and Brad plays golf 2 nights a week. He's going to Evansville to fish this weekend and I'm going to play flag football and take the girls with me so it should be a good time for all! TTFN!! (For those of you who don't know that's Tigger's ta ta for now)

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